3 Secrets to Beautiful Skin

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to a beautiful complexion? Our skin care masters know all the tips and tricks you can do to achieve that irresistible glowing skin of your dreams. Come see for yourself. Our facial specialists are eager to help you learn more about your skin type and what you can do to maintain a smooth and radiant appearance. Let’s go over the top three beauty secrets recommended by our staff.

Woman with beautiful skin smiling

Secret #1 Keep Your Sheets and Towels Clean

We recommend that you clean your sheets, pillowcases, and towels regularly. At least once or twice every two weeks. Making sure your bedding is clean will help prevent breakouts on the face and body. Regular overuse of hand towels and pillowcases causes a buildup of dirt, oil, body creams, sweat, and more. Having clean surroundings will keep your skin and mind clear and reduce stress, which brings us to the next beauty secret.

Secret #2 Less Stress

Did you know that the naturally occurring stress hormone called Cortisol can actually break down the collagen in your skin causing premature wrinkles? Can you believe it? It’s true. Some of the best ways to reduce your stress levels are getting 7-8 hours of sleep during the night, eating nutrient-rich meals, and exercising regularly.

Secret #3 Slugging Overnight

Slugging means loading up on hydration while you sleep. This process is usually done at the very end of your nighttime routine – after makeup removal, cleansing and exfoliation, you’ll apply your serum first then a generous layer of an oil or Vaseline-based moisturizer. Slugging helps ensure that your skin is retaining as much moisture as possible. It benefits anyone with dehydrated or lackluster skin who is looking to achieve a beautiful morning glow.

These are the three most practiced beauty secrets that our skin specialists recommend. If you would like to learn more about the secrets to beautiful skin, come on in and see us for our 60 min Rejuvenation Facial or the highly requested 90 min Colibri Signature facial. Our estheticians are very knowledgeable and would love to teach you how to achieve the most beautiful glowing skin. Easily book online today or call us at 941-800-1818 to learn more about which facial treatment is best for you.